CleanER-D Final Conference - Delivering Clean Diesel Rail Solutions
Brussels, 20 November 2013
The CleanER-D Final conference was held on 20 November 2013 in Brussels. All the main stakeholders, operators, vehicle and engine manufacturers as well as the European Commission attended the event where the main outcome of the project was presented. The Project Officer from the European Commission congratulated to the consortium and emphasized that the project results are encouraging and the market uptake of this project is promising.
After 41/2 years of research work, we can conclude that the two demonstration sub-projects have developed propulsion systems for stage IIIB compliant locomotives that were successfully proven in bench and field follow tests. However, the consortium recommends that any refurbishment projects of old existing vehicles with IIIB engines have to be carefully analysed from an economic and technological perspective.
The results of CleanER-D illustrate that since 2008, the sector has already achieved substantial emission reductions. An overall decrease of 35% NOx and 45% PM is expected by 2020. Further significant benefits can already be reached by accelerating the market uptake of Stage IIIA and IIIB compliant engines into the vehicle fleet. Therefore, the consortium has developed recommendations to all involved stakeholders on how to boost emission reduction of rail diesel traction which could bring increased benefits for society through affordable costs for the railway sector.
