The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability in service of railway rolling stock powered with diesel engines compliant with the requirements of stage IIIB of the Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) European Directive.
There are 5 main goals:
- Deliver enhanced environmental performance for new and re-manufactured rail diesel vehicles in a speedy and cost effective manner.
- Establish an industry knowledge base on the essential interfaces for exhaust systems and after-treatment methodologies that can be made available outside the competitive area.
- Encourage engine suppliers to give rail applications of new low emission technologies serious consideration in their future product development plans.
- Envisage the use of innovative solutions by the rail sector, including hybrid technologies, with a potential for further reduction of pollutant emissions, while aiming at a breakthrough in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
- Provide the European Commission with proposals for the core of a legislative framework that encourages change at a speed that can be sustained by all the rail stakeholders.