News Release
Brussels, 9 June 2009


More than 50 participants from the railway sector, engine manufacturers, academia and European institutions came together in Brussels to officially launch this partially EU-funded research project.

The Clean European Rail-Diesel project (CleanER-D) has a total budget of € 13,4m, of which € 8m will be granted by the European Commission. Under the coordination of UNIFE, 26 partners are set out to achieve the following objectives:

  • Developing, improving and integrating emission reduction technologies for diesel locomotives and rail vehicles; achieving emission levels below the limits established by EU legislation
  • Evaluating the best possible innovative and hybrid solutions for a contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions

Additionally, the goal is to demonstrate the feasibility and the reliability in service of railway rolling stock powered with diesel engines compliant to the requirements defined in the Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) European Directive, developing and or refurbishing 2 locomotives and 1 railcar, with 3 engines from different power range. In the framework of the project there will be sustainability activities, which deal with the socio-economic and environmental impacts of rail diesel on the railway sector. The emission reduction measures and future solutions developed will be assessed via life cycle cost and cost/benefit analysis methods. The ambitious project goals were highly welcomed by key players in the railway industry, engine manufacturers and rail operators.